Easy file sharing from the command line

# Upload using cURL $ curl --upload-file ./hello.txt http://rsh.ro/hello.txt http://rsh.ro/W8nIzkuoq4/hello.txt # Using the shell function $ transfer hello.txt ##################################################### 100.0% http://rsh.ro/nD66UgltjQ/hello.txt
# Upload from web Drag your files here, or click to browse.

# Download all your files

zip tar.gz
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Made for use with shell

Share files with a URL

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Sample use cases

How to upload

# Uploading is easy using curl $ curl --upload-file ./hello.txt http://rsh.ro/hello.txt http://rsh.ro/W8nIzkuoq4/hello.txt $ curl -H "Max-Downloads: 1" -H "Max-Days: 5" --upload-file ./hello.txt http://rsh.ro/hello.txt http://rsh.ro/W8nIzkuoq4/hello.txt # Download the file $ curl http://rsh.ro/W8nIzkuoq4/hello.txt -o hello.txt

Add shell function to .bashrc or .zshrc

# Add this to .bashrc or .zshrc or its equivalent transfer(){ if [ $# -eq 0 ];then echo "No arguments specified.\nUsage:\n transfer <file|directory>\n ... | transfer <file_name>">&2;return 1;fi;if tty -s;then file="$1";file_name=$(basename "$file");if [ ! -e "$file" ];then echo "$file: No such file or directory">&2;return 1;fi;if [ -d "$file" ];then file_name="$file_name.zip" ,;(cd "$file"&&zip -r -q - .)|curl --progress-bar --upload-file "-" "http://rsh.ro/$file_name"|tee /dev/null,;else cat "$file"|curl --progress-bar --upload-file "-" "http://rsh.ro/$file_name"|tee /dev/null;fi;else file_name=$1;curl --progress-bar --upload-file "-" "http://rsh.ro/$file_name"|tee /dev/null;fi;} # Now you can use transfer function $ transfer hello.txt
More examples

Upload multiple files at once

$ curl -i -F filedata=@/tmp/hello.txt -F filedata=@/tmp/hello2.txt http://rsh.ro/ # Combining downloads as zip or tar archive $ curl http://rsh.ro/(W8nIzkuoq4/hello.txt,nD66UgltjQ/world.txt).tar.gz $ curl http://rsh.ro/(W8nIzkuoq4/hello.txt,nD66UgltjQ/world.txt).zip

Encrypt your files with gpg before the transfer

# Encrypt files with password using gpg $ cat /tmp/hello.txt|gpg -ac -o-|curl -X PUT --upload-file "-" http://rsh.ro/test.txt # Download and decrypt $ curl http://rsh.ro/W8nIzkuoq4/test.txt|gpg -o- > /tmp/hello.txt

Scan for malware

# Scan for malware or viruses using Clamav $ wget http://www.eicar.org/download/eicar.com $ curl -X PUT --upload-file ./eicar.com http://rsh.ro/eicar.com/scan # Upload malware to VirusTotal, get a permalink in return $ curl -X PUT --upload-file nhgbhhj http://rsh.ro/test.txt/virustotal

Backup mysql database, encrypt and transfer

# Backup, encrypt and transfer $ mysqldump --all-databases|gzip|gpg -ac -o-|curl -X PUT --upload-file "-" http://rsh.ro/test.txt

Send email with transfer link (uses shell function)

# Transfer and send email with link (uses shell function) $ transfer /tmp/hello.txt | mail -s "Hello World" user@yourmaildomain.com

Using Keybase.io

# Import keys from keybase $ keybase track [them] # Encrypt for recipient(s) $ cat somebackupfile.tar.gz | keybase encrypt [them] | curl --upload-file '-' http://rsh.ro/test.txt # Decrypt $ curl http://rsh.ro/W8nIzkuoq4/test.md |keybase decrypt

wget uploads also supported

# wget $ wget --method PUT --body-file=/tmp/file.tar http://rsh.ro/file.tar -O - -nv

Transfer pound logs

# grep syslog for pound and transfer $ cat /var/log/syslog|grep pound|curl --upload-file - http://rsh.ro/pound.log

Upload a file using Powershell

# Upload using Powershell PS H:\> invoke-webrequest -method put -infile .\file.txt http://rsh.ro/file.txt

Upload a file using HTTPie

# HTTPie $ http http://rsh.ro/ -vv < /tmp/test.log

Upload a file using Unofficially client in Python

# transfersh-cli (https://github.com/tanrax/transfersh-cli) $ transfersh photos.zip # Uploading file # Download from here: http://rsh.ro/W8nIzkuoq4/photos.zip # It has also been copied to the clipboard!

Encrypt your files with openssl before the transfer

# Encrypt files with password using openssl $ cat /tmp/hello.txt|openssl aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -e|curl -X PUT --upload-file "-" http://rsh.ro/test.txt # Download and decrypt $ curl http://rsh.ro/W8nIzkuoq4/test.txt|openssl aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -d > /tmp/hello.txt

Upload a file or directory in Windows

#Save this as transfer.cmd in Windows 10 (which has curl.exe) @echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion EnableExtensions goto main :usage echo No arguments specified. >&2 echo Usage: >&2 echo transfer ^<file^|directory^> >&2 echo ... ^| transfer ^<file_name^> >&2 exit /b 1 :main if "%~1" == "" goto usage timeout.exe /t 0 >nul 2>nul || goto not_tty set "file=%~1" for %%A in ("%file%") do set "file_name=%%~nxA" if exist "%file_name%" goto file_exists echo %file%: No such file or directory >&2 exit /b 1 :file_exists if not exist "%file%\" goto not_a_directory set "file_name=%file_name%.zip" pushd "%file%" || exit /b 1 set "full_name=%temp%\%file_name%" powershell.exe -Command "Get-ChildItem -Path . -Recurse | Compress-Archive -DestinationPath ""%full_name%""" curl.exe --progress-bar --upload-file "%full_name%" "http://rsh.ro/%file_name%" popd goto :eof :not_a_directory curl.exe --progress-bar --upload-file "%file%" "http://rsh.ro/%file_name%" goto :eof :not_tty set "file_name=%~1" curl.exe --progress-bar --upload-file - "http://rsh.ro/%file_name%" goto :eof

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